In NIH-funded studies, physician use of the software reduces diagnostic errors by up to 75%.
With the wisdom of the community from many books, articles and other resources at your fingertips, you can diagnose confidently even beyond your specialty.
It takes 7 minutes on average to use the software, but saves 30 minutes or more through automated documentation and time no longer spent searching through narrative articles.
The human curated database has 9,464 diagnoses, and is most complete for genetics, neurology and increasingly pediatric rheumatology. It includes the genes with convincing human disease phenotypes in OMIM and the diseases in GeneReviews.
The computational software takes into account pertinent negatives, temporal information, and cost of tests — ignored in other diagnostic approaches. It transforms medical diagnosis by lowering costs, reducing errors, improving documentation and eliminating the medical diagnostic odysseys. See the Frequently Asked Questions for particular capabilities you may need.
SimulConsult uses an AI-based statistical pattern-matching approach that takes into account the age of onset and offset of the findings in each disease. The software is distinctive in revealing its logic in a series of Assess and Profile tools, so that the logic is “explainable”, a capability considered by clinicians as equally or more important than the ability to identify consistently the correct diagnosis.
Designed for doctors by doctors, the user interface mimics how great diagnosticians think and how all of us were trained to do diagnosis, so getting up to speed is quick and easy.
The web site and software work from mobile devices as well as personal computers. There is no app to download. Just access the diagnostic tool from the SimulConsult web site. Your license lets you use the tool from your mobile device as well as your computer. It works on larger phones, but a small tablet offers the best mix of mobility and convenience.
Findings (signs, symptoms, lab results) and diseases have “Tip” hyperlinks to review articles, papers and images to help with diagnosis. Even if you have never seen a particular finding before, it may be suggested as a useful finding in “Add findings” or “Add tests” based on its ability to change the differential diagnosis. The Tip for the finding can include just-in-time information such as images or articles, or even a percentile calculator already filled in with your patient’s age and sex.
Specify or import:
Phenome Analyzer
Findings can include not only presence, but also onset or absence
Add findings by search
Add findings using saving specialty-based core finding lists
Add findings from useful finding list (clinical or tests)
Import microarray data
Phenome Analyzer
View evolving differential diagnosis with probabilities displayed as a bar chart
View contextually-relevant Tips (Includes OMIM, Orphanet, Gene Reviews, Elements of Morphology, images, videos, etc.)
Phenome Analyzer
Assess fit of selected disease to patient findings
See a profile of the disease by age of patient
View profile of a finding across diseases generally or those in the differential diagnosis
Identify most useful tests to order
Phenome Analyzer
Save Patient Summary: human readable PDF, but machine loadable
Save Chart Note Template (History, Exam, Assessment, Plan)
Prognosis Table to explain natural history of the diagnosis to patient and referring physician