One of the deficiencies of large language models is that they are “black boxes” and can’t explain their reasoning. SimulConsult uses different approaches to diagnosis, which allow explaining why a diagnosis is ranked as it is in the differential diagnosis. To underscore the explainability of our approach, We have renamed the relevant screen Explain, and the Disease menu reflects this change in wording. The second disease in the differential diagnosis is active (Anticholinergic intoxication), so the Explain feature will comment on that:

The Explain screen itself has 2 new features:
- Buttons to click up and down in the differential diagnosis (or click to the top of the differential diagnosis) to explain the ranking of the diseases in the differential diagnosis
- Lifetime incidence of the disease per million (2500 in the figure below).
As was the case previously, the Explain screen shows the pertinent positive findings and pertinent negative findings, and shades in black, how they match what is expected in the disease under consideration.